Matthew 20:18-19 – April 2, 2020

Behold, we are going up to Jerusalem, and the Son of Man will be handed over to the chief priests and the scribes, and they will condemn him to death, and hand him over to the Gentiles to be mocked and scourged and crucified, and he will be raised on the third day. Matthew 20:18-19 NABRE           

Jesus is forewarning the twelve about the terrible things that await Him Jerusalem. This is the final passion predication, He had two other predictions and this one is the most detailed. Jesus expresses a dire situation but it doesn’t seem to register with the disciples. They were traveling with many pilgrims on the way to Passover headed to the holy city and He takes the disciples aside by themselves for the solemn moment of private instruction. Jesus confirms they are going to Jerusalem and then He identifies the enemies lying in wait in Jerusalem and foretells what treachery they will carry out against Him. The opposition is the religious authorities, the chief priests and the scribes. He will be betrayed into their hands and He will be condemned to death. The theological and clerical elites will not only reject the message of Jesus, they will also reject Jesus Himself and put Him to death. Jesus foretells that it will be the Gentiles, in the form of the Romans who will be involved in the events of His passion. It is the religious leaders who condemn, then turn Him over to the Romans where He is be mocked, scourged and crucified. But Jesus tells them on the third day He will be raised.

Somehow this message doesn’t seem to resonate with His disciples, otherwise they might have been urging Jesus to turn and go the other way. So as much as they trusted and respected Jesus, leaving all they knew to be with Him, they never really listened to Him. 

Are you listening to Jesus? Are you aware of how Jesus wants to provide life for you with His life?

It is the religious leaders who condemn, then turn Jesus over to the Romans where He is be mocked, scourged and crucified. But Jesus tells them on the third day He will be raised. Share on X

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