Matthew 8:17 – February 4, 2020

to fulfill what had been said by Isaiah the prophet: “He took away our infirmities and bore our diseases.” Matthew 8:17 NABRE     

Matthew in chapter eight writes of more than ten miracles. Jesus heals the sick, cast out demons, forgives sins, eats with sinners and raises the dead. These actions send a powerful message as to the kind of kingdom Jesus is proclaiming. On one hand Jesus’ healings fulfill prophecies about the miraculous restoration of Israel that would come when God rescues His people from their enemies. It also indicates the kind of people invited into the kingdom; the suffering, outcasts, sinners and Gentiles. Coming to the conclusion of these miracles in this section Jesus enters Peter’s house and as the evening came many people who were possessed by demons were brought to Jesus and the demons were driven out of the people “to fulfill what had been said by Isaiah the prophet: ‘He took away our infirmities and bore our diseases.‘” Isaiah prophesizes the Lord will send a servant restoring Israel and be light to the Gentiles. (Isaiah 42:1, 49:1-6) The servant would accomplish his mission by healing God’s people and taking on their afflictions. Citing this text from Isaiah Matthew is indicating that Jesus’ healing ministry identifies Him as the long-awaited servant foretold by Isaiah. These physical healings can point to spiritual healings and the atonement for sin that Jesus will accomplish on the cross. Isaiah fifty-three describes how the servant will bear the peoples guilt and give his life “as an offering for sin” (see Isaiah 53:10-11).

Matthew wants his audience to see Jesus as the Messiah recalling the prophecy of Isaiah to demonstrate Jesus is the Messiah. These healings are indications of a future kingdom but it is faith that leads to know the Messiah. 

Do you need a miracle to believe? Do you have faith in Jesus?

Jesus' healing ministry identifies Him as the long-awaited servant foretold by Isaiah. Physical healings can point to spiritual healings and the atonement for sin that Jesus will accomplish on the cross. Share on X

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