Luke 1:76 – December 19, 2019

And you, child, will be called prophet of the Most High, for you will go before the Lord to prepare his ways, Luke 1:76 NABRE     

An angel announces to Zechariah he will become a father, that his wife Elizabeth will bear a son. Zechariah becomes the father of John the Baptist. At the Presentation of John in the Temple, Zechariah recites a Canticle that proclaims praises and thanks to God. The canticle  is likely from a hymn sung in temple or at service in the Sanctuary. Within the canticle there is a proclamation, seen in the quoted verse, which speaks of a prophet of God who will go before the Lord Jesus and prepare his way. This prophet has become known as John the Baptist who announces the coming of the Lamb of God, the Anointed. This prophet is a messenger whom Israel has looked toward announcing the coming of the Messiah for hundreds of years. We read from the Hebrew Scriptures “Now I am sending my messenger-he will prepare the way before me;” (Malachi 3:1) This messenger is the one expected to announce the coming of a Messiah. The Prophet Elijah has been named as the messenger, “Now I am sending to you Elijah the prophet, Before the day of the LORD comes,” (Malachi 3:23) We see these words applied to John the Baptist in the Canticle. Matthew writes, “This is the one about whom it is written: ‘Behold, I am sending my messenger ahead of you; he will prepare your way before you.’” (11:10) At the announcement the angel says, “He will go before him in the spirit and power of Elijah” (Luke 1:17)

John is a type of the prophet Elijah who prepares the way of the coming Messiah. We see John the Baptist as this messenger, first announcing the Lamb of God, and then speaking of Him as the one who they have been waiting to come, a redeemer.

Do you recognize God’s plan for humanity? Do you trust the words of the prophets?

We see John the Baptist as this messenger, first announcing the Lamb of God, and then speaking of Him as the one who they have been waiting to come, a redeemer. Share on X

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