Luke 4:18 – September 4, 2019

The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring glad tidings to the poor. Luke 4:18 NABRE     

Jesus is in the town where He grew up and the synagogue where He studied scripture. He stood up, took the scroll and unrolled it to the passage he wanted to read. The passage is from the Prophet Isaiah (61:1-2), it explains Jesus’ mission. Jesus at His baptism has the Spirit descend upon Him, this is the anointing that begins His mission. Jesus first announces happiness for the poor, followed by liberty for captives, sight for the blind and freedom from oppression. Jesus has a double meaning in each of these; the true poor are helped and the spiritually poor are helped. Jesus will proclaim freedom from debt, a jubilee year and freedom for those who are spiritually captive. Jesus will physically heal many blind and He will reveal the true loving Father for all to see. Jesus freed captives and those oppressed and He shows a way to freedom for those who are trapped in their own addictions or struggles. Jesus came that we all may be happy, be free, can see God and find joy by knowing God. Jesus fostered a model of love, care for one another and a moral code that even for non-Christians put the benefit and welfare of others at least equal with our own, regardless of anyone’s state of life or class. Jesus teaches all people are important and favored in the eyes of God, so we cannot treat some less and others as more significant.

As followers of Jesus we are to extend His mission of happiness, liberty, sight and freedom to all we meet and those with whom we form relationship. Our life is not our own, we are meant to serve others and put them first. As disciples we imitate Jesus when we do, and we give glory to God.

Have you embraced happiness, liberty, sight and freedom? Is Jesus the means to a better life for you?

As followers of Jesus we are to extend His mission of happiness, liberty, sight and freedom to all we meet and those with whom we form relationship. Share on X

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