Colossians 4:5-6 – May 30, 2019

Conduct yourselves wisely toward outsiders, making the most of the opportunity. Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you know how you should respond to each one. Colossians 4:5-6 NABRE 

Paul opened this letter to the community at Colossae with prayer for them from him and Timothy. In this section of the letter, near the end, Paul returns to ask the community for their prayer for Timothy and himself. Paul is in prison but continues to speak up for the mystery of Christ. Nothing will stop Paul from bringing Christ to anyone and everyone. Paul challenges the community to walk in wisdom. He wants them to treat outsiders well, so they may look at the community and desire to be a part of what is going on. For Paul evangelizing is being open to the opportunity to make a case through action and through questions. Paul wants the community to be alert and ready to share their faith to those they meet in the flow of their daily life. He tells them to let their conversation be gracious and seasoned with salt. Just as a good cook uses salt to enhance the flavor of food, Paul suggests this can be done when talking about faith and the mystery of Christ. Christians should present the message of Jesus gracefully and attractively. Personal testimonies of those touched by Christ and the Holy Spirit are powerful when communicated spontaneously and with plain language. Paul wants them to be always ready to explain the reason for their hope to anyone who asks. We all must respond because this is what is required of Christians, to share the message of hope.

You should always be ready to share your personal testimony, the source of your faith. Best of all your example should be a testimony to Jesus as your Master.

Do you think of bringing others to faith? Have you any ideas about how to insert a discussion about Jesus?

You should always be ready to share your personal testimony, the source of your faith. Best of all your example should be a testimony to Jesus as your Master. Share on X

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