Romans 15:4 – March 23, 2019

For whatever was written previously was written for our instruction, that by endurance and by the encouragement of the scriptures we might have hope. Romans 15:4 NABRE     

In this section of the letter to the community in Rome Paul is calling for unity and pointing to Christ as a witness for how to treat one another. Paul asks the community to look after one another, the strong should put up with the failings of the weak. Paul reminds them they are brother and sister in Christ and as such they should always do for one another. We should do the same in our church community. The message of Jesus is a message for the community, individuals make up the church but as Paul has said in other places, all are in the Body of Christ. Paul continues; he writes Christ did not please Himself but took on the afflictions of others. Christ lived for others and put all His own interests aside. Paul then reminds the reader that all previous words from God in the Scriptures are written for us to learn. Much has happened and been captured in the Scriptures that can be a source of strength. Knowing what has happened previously can encourage and give endurance to the reader; in Rome at the time of Paul’s letter, and today for we followers. God’s word is living and true and though what we read may be cast in a certain period, the word is alive so we can pull from it what will keep us connected to the vine.

God is about hope, in fact God may be the single source of hope in the world today. If we, as dedicated followers, understand scripture a little we see people made plenty of mistakes, and did not always honor God as they should. Yet, God never abandons them or us. We are blessed as disciples of God and we have lives filled with abundance.

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If we, as dedicated followers, understand scripture a little we see people made plenty of mistakes, and did not always honor God as they should. Yet, God never abandons them or us. Share on X

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