Malachi 3:10 – January 21, 2019

Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, That there may be food in my house. Put me to the test, says the LORD of hosts, And see if I do not open the floodgates of heaven for you, and pour down upon you blessing without measure! Malachi 3:10 NABRE     

Malachi is the last of the writing prophets, his name means “My Messenger.” The message of the prophet is to expose the sins of the people and call them back to God. The quoted verse follows a verse where God has accused the people of robbing Him. The covenant requires the first tenth of the harvest be given to God, but there may have been a locust infestation and so the people held back the required tenth. Since the people did not hold up their responsibility God could not bless them. In the quoted verse God tells the people if they bring the tenth as required, God will pour down blessings upon them that cannot be measured. The purpose of the tenth, or tithe is to thank God for the blessings of abundance, in this case for an abundant harvest. The tithe carries into the church today where we’re asked to give our first tenth income to the church. When we are generous with God we receive God’s generosity. We don’t give expecting God’s generosity, giving is an act of faith and God rewards faith in every way. We give out of love for God and God rewards through His love for us. Giving to God is also an act of trust. It is an act that says we know everything comes from God and God will take care of us if we trust Him.

What you have in your life is all gift from God. Trusting God is a guarantee we’ll receive all we need in life. Without God we rely on our own devices for all in our life. We can scramble and do ok, but it will be a life without blessing. Better to trust in God.

Do you tithe your resources? Do you trust God for all in your life?

What you have in your life is all gift from God. Trusting God is a guarantee we’ll receive all we need in life. Without God we rely on our own devices for all in our life. Share on X

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