1 John 4:5 – December 30, 2018

Whoever acknowledges that Jesus is the Son of God, God remains in him and he in God. 1 John 4:5 NABRE     

John in a letter to his community tells us that love comes from God and although we have never seen God, knowing Jesus we know God. From Jesus we learn about love and when Jesus returns to His Father love is what He leaves behind to help us reveal God to one another, Father and Son. When we love we open ourselves to God abiding in us, or perhaps the word we hear much through the Christmas season, dwelling in us. Paul said, “Christ is all in all.” (Colossians 3:11) John has also told us God is love, therefore we can say love is all in all. Christ dwells in us when we love. Jesus is not out there somewhere, but Jesus dwells within us. Therefore acknowledging Jesus, welcoming Jesus into our life, invites Jesus to make a home within us. Hence God remains in us and we in God. “Indwelling,” is a powerful word, it goes both ways, God in us and us in God. To have Christ as all in all, we must love each other and reach out to everyone in love.

Everything about Jesus from John’s point of view centers on love. We love when we aspire more for the other than we do for ourselves. When our baptized brother and sister is more important to us, we love as Jesus loved. This is Jesus example. Children of God, are so important that Jesus took the form of a slave to make the life of God’s children eternal. Love aspires more for the other than self. It seems a simple concept. But love is hard. We are built to self-preserve and it is difficult to put others first. It is why it takes God to do it. We must have love inside of us to be able to serve others. If we don’t have love, we can’t give love. We must let love in, let God in, so we know how to love.

Do you welcome Jesus to dwell within you? Are you able to love yourself?

Children of God, are so important that Jesus took the form of a slave to make the life of God’s children eternal. Love aspires more for the other than self. It seems a simple concept. But love is hard. Share on X

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