Matthew 6:34 – September 19, 2018

Do not worry about tomorrow; tomorrow will take care of itself. Sufficient for a day is its own evil. Matthew 6:34 NABRE     

Matthew captures the good news of Jesus and shares it with a Jewish Christian community. A main component of his gospel is the Sermon on the Mount, included in chapters five, six and seven, with today’s quoted verse in the middle. The verse, ends a section of the gospel which is encouraging us not to worry about the things of the world, they are temporary. Rather, focus on the things of heaven. A way of looking at this is to develop your heart for the Kingdom of God. Keep yourself pure, serve one master, do the things that will bank treasure in heaven. If you keep this focus then God will be sure you have clothes on your back, food to eat, a place to live, and in fact trusting God is the best way to be sure to have these things. The chapter closes; “Do not worry about tomorrow; tomorrow will take care of itself. Sufficient for a day is its own evil.” God is in the present and we live in the present, so live in the very moment you are living. Don’t stress over tomorrow, tomorrow will be today soon enough and when it is here you can do something about being in its presence. The end of the verse means there are going to be enough problems coming our way in the day, don’t add problems by worrying about, a future, or past. Live in the moment and trust God.

We may think we can’t be happy without this job, without this person in our life, without the income we bring home. But worrying about worldly things is stressful and a distraction. We can be preoccupied with worry and neglect the things that are really important. Don’t do that!

Do you pray? Are you developing loving relationships with your family members, your friends? Do you have a faith community that gives you spiritual support, people who follow Jesus as you do?

God is in the present and we live in the present, so live in the very moment you are living. Don’t stress over tomorrow, tomorrow will be today soon enough and when it is here you can do something about being in its presence. Share on X

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