Mark 2:12 – January 15, 2022

He rose, picked up his mat at once, and went away in the sight of everyone. They were all astounded and glorified God, saying, “We have never seen anything like this.” Mark 2:12 NABRE               

Jesus is teaching a crowd inside a home when a man is carried on a mat by friends who hope Jesus can heal him. The large crowd keeps them from bringing the man to Jesus, so they carry him to the roof, open a hole and lower the man in front of Jesus. Jesus first forgives the man’s sins and then to demonstrate He has the authority to forgive He heals the man telling him to pick up his mat and return home. The man is healed, takes his mat and walks home where I am sure there is a great celebration. Those watching felt celebratory as well, we read they are astounded to see what is done for the man. As Jesus would hope, the people give glory to God for the miracle and recognize nothing they have seen compares, therefore they believe it is God who intercedes to heal the man. Jesus wants the people to see God in all He does, whether healing, or speaking with authority and forgiving sin, to teaching with a charisma that inspires people. Jesus always credits God, He knows all things come from His Father. King David speaking about a contribution to God says, “For everything is from you, and what we give is what we have from you.” (1 Chronicles 29:14) Disciples understand God provides and cares for all the earth and all people, it is why Jesus is delighted when God is glorified for anything He accomplishes. Jesus knows nothing could be done without God. 

The sign of any good preacher, or disciple is in who gets credit for their accomplishments. All disciples will point to God to give glory and have the humility to say I am nothing without God. We should realize the same.

Who gets the glory for all you have? How do you show thanks for what you have?

The sign of any good preacher, or disciple is in who gets credit for their accomplishments. All disciples will point to God to give glory and have the humility to say I am nothing without God. We should realize the same. Share on X 

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