See, I am now establishing my covenant with you and your descendants after you and with every living creature that was with you: the birds, the tame animals, and all the wild animals that were with you-all that came out of the ark. Genesis 9:9-10 NABRE
God speaks to Noah after Noah has come out of the ark and provided a sacrifice on the altar to God. God knows there is much more to the world He created than the sin of humanity. So He establishes a covenant with all humanity through Noah; He will never again destroy life on earth by flood. Noah and all his descendants are required to never shed the blood of another human as well as replenish the earth. It is a universal covenant applying to all humanity and all creatures of the earth. God will make other covenants later with Abraham, Moses, Arron, David and a “New Covenant” with Jesus as mediator. God uses covenant to move humanity toward a life of love and caring for one another. Jesus shares a message to love God, love others, while being united in our belief and actions. It almost seems God needs to walk humanity toward the covenant of love slowly and He begins by promising and desiring no more killing.
Humanity breaks this covenant daily; we murder (people killing people,) we allow the death penalty (institutions killing people,) we have wars (countries killing people) and we have systematic oppression, pushing people into poverty and suppressing races, both of which can lead to death (e.g. African Americans having a higher percentage of COVID deaths and Rwanda.) God knew our sinful hearts would fall into shedding blood and He desires to guide us away from killing. Killing is morally destructive and must be avoided and eliminated without exception.
Have you inadvertently contributed to killing? How can we stop killing as a society?
God knew our sinful hearts would fall into shedding blood and He desires to guide us away from killing. Killing is morally destructive and must be avoided and eliminated without exception. Share on X#bible #godisgreat #jesus #christianity #dailybibleverse @youversion #BeAnEncourager #covenant #flood #Genesis #everybodyalways #god #jesuschrist #jesussaves #godisgood #dailydevotion #biblestudy #scripture #bibleverse #verseoftheday #cross #last #Matthew #loveeachother #godisgreat #thisVineyard #youversion #everythingalways