1 Peter 3:18 – November 14, 2019

For Christ also suffered for sins once, the righteous for the sake of the unrighteous, that he might lead you to God. Put to death in the flesh, he was brought to life in the spirit. 1 Peter 3:18 NABRE     

Peter writing a letter to several communities is addressing Christ’s suffering and faithfulness. Here in the quoted verse he is summing up Christ’s redemptive work on the behalf of all. Jesus’ suffering includes his death, Peter is emphasizing that Christ “suffered” because he wants to show how Christ is the model for suffering and that if we have to endure suffering we should look to Christ’s example. Christ suffered, He is innocent, a righteous servant of God suffering as demonstration of His love. His redemptive suffering, the righteous for the unrighteous should be how we live as Christians. We are unrighteous in that we have a nature of sin, to be selfish, self-centered and put others last serving our own desires and needs first. Christ is the opposite, he puts others first, and thinks of Himself last. This is the perfect model for all Christians. Peter indicates Christ “suffered” once showing that Jesus suffering in the single moment is sufficient, it never needs repeating. Jesus lives and dies so that we will be led to God. The goal of Jesus entire life is so that we may enter into the presence of God, for through Christ we have access to the Father.  Christ was brought to life, made alive in the spirit and His Spirit continues to do redeeming work even for those who have fallen into death before His incarnation. 

Jesus redemptive message, His example of how to live suffering is a model for us all. God uses suffering in a world that is deaf to others needs. Through suffering we find our way back to God and Christ’s model of suffering. 

How do you interpret suffering in your life? Do you fall back to God for help when in need?

Jesus redemptive message, His example of how to live suffering is a model for us all. God uses suffering in a world that is deaf to others needs. Share on X

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